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Foggy Mountains

Reunion Stories & Adoptee Voices

Connect with adoptees and their stories about finding birth families.

Moving People



Sisters of China

Connecting adoptees across the globe


Adopted, Chosen, Loved 

A mentorship program for Chinese adoptees that matches mentors with mentees.




Follow @adoptiepedia on Instagram

Een laagdrempelig en veilig platform voor Chinees geadopteerden in Nederland. Vol met informatie over Chinese adoptie. (An accessible and safe platform for Chinese adoptees in the Netherlands. Full of information about Chinese adoption.)


Follow @twoworldsofheart on Instagram to hear about her reunion journey


Follow @mynameislifang on Instagram to hear about her reunion journey and how ICSA helped.


Follow @somewherebetween.fam by Asian adoptees for Asian adoptees.


Follow 2 Journeys to 1 Family on Facebook biological sisters, both adopted from China, who found one another through 23andMe.


Follow A Chinese Adoptee’s Journey, a blog chronicling Qiao Fei’s journey of finding her birth family and the complexity of getting to know them.


Intercountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV) 

Voices of those with Lived Experience in Intercountry Adoption


Follow Angel and Jordan, students at Duke Kunshan University in Suzhou, Jiangsu - one native Chinese and the other an American Chinese adoptee. 

Image by Dave Weatherall

Listen & Watch

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Chinese Birth Family Search Stories

Podcast series from China’s Children International



Somewhere Between podcast - made by Asian adoptees for Asian adoptees. Interviews with Pema (Jan 18 and Feb 1, 2021) explore her search journey.


A Family in China podcasts




One Child Nation on Amazon Prime, or for free on Daily Motion



Meet Me on the Bridge – Changfu Chang

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International Child Search Alliance, Copyright 2023

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