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Please convince ALL birth parents who come forward to do a DNA test! If they are not your match, they could match another adoptee, and it would be tragic for them to lose the chance to find one another. There have been many matches now that happened only through DNA.


The best option for DNA testing is a SNP test (also called autosomal), like 23mofang or 23andMe, uploaded to GEDmatch. A SNP test provides matches to siblings, cousins and beyond and casts a much wider net. If you are working with local officials or volunteers in China, you can also do a STR (also called paternity/CODIS) test, but it will only match parent to child. Both options are FREE to the birth family and available anywhere in China. 


Go here for more information on the different types of DNA tests, and download a pdf of the following guide here.

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SNP DNA Test [also called autosomal]


ADOPTEE does a SNP DNA test as offered through 23andMe, with the results uploaded to GEDmatch.


BIRTH PARENT does a SNP test by contacting one of these organizations who will arrange to collect DNA and upload it to GEDmatch:








DNAConnect.Org. They will collect and process SNP DNA for FREE for any birth family that is located anywhere in China.


Let them know if you decide to travel to China. They have posters that you can distribute, and they can direct you to areas to search. 


Contact DNAConnect


Download Chinese DNAConnect flier


BRIAN STUY (English-speaking)


Phone: +1-801-766-1736


LAN STUY (说中文/English)

WeChat ID: LannieGirl


Please note that DNAConnect charges to release birth parent contact information to adoptees – $50 if you make a donation before a match and $299 if made after a match. However, if you provide contact information for a birth family in China, any future match to you through DNAConnect will also be free of fees to you.  â€‹







Nanchang Project. They will collect and process SNP DNA for FREE for any birth family that is located anywhere in China. 


Contact Nanchang Project


ERIN VALENTINO (English-speaking)


WeChat ID: ErinValentino











The Roots of Love. They will collect and process SNP DNA for FREE for any birth family that is located in Chongqing. 


Contact The Roots of Love




CORINNE WILSON (English- and French-speaking)
WeChat ID: corinnewilson


HOLLI CHAN (basic Mandarin- and basic Cantonese-speaking)
WeChat ID: jt6936697
^ Can accept phone calls

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If you're traveling to China for a search trip, you can also take test kits with you, either FamilyTree DNA or 23andMe. Although 23andMe has the greatest number of adoptees in it, they don’t sell tests in China; however many families still use 23andMe kits for birth parent DNA and upload the kits themselves. You can pack the sample tubes in your checked luggage and leave the boxes at home to save space.


You can also purchase a 23mofang kit available in China.


STR DNA Test [also called paternity/CODIS]

ADOPTEE does a STR test with LabCorp (or other lab) or submits a dried blood sample card. See the STR section of this page for information about how to get these tests.


BIRTH PARENT does a STR test in China for free through the local police.  




​If you test a birth family, it is very important that you or your searcher commit to remaining in touch so that contact information can be provided to an adoptee down the road. Please also add the birth family's information and photos to the ICSA birth parent database.

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